Child Sex-Abuse Cases No Longer ‘Priority’ for FBI amid January 6 Investigation, Whistleblower Claims

Source: 9/20/22

The FBI is sidelining investigations into child sexual abuse in order to pursue January 6 probes and is inflating the number of “domestic extremism” cases across the country, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee claimed in a letter Monday, citing whistleblowers.

The committee’s letter was spearheaded by ranking member Jim Jordan, and was addressed to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray. It comes on the heels of another committee letter that cited whistleblowers claiming the FBI was “pressuring agents” to label cases as “domestic violent extremism” even when they didn’t meet the criteria for the definition.

One whistleblower cited in the letter was “told that child sexual abuse material investigations were no longer an FBI priority and should be referred to local law enforcement agencies,” due to the bureau’s focus on January 6, the letter claimed.

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Of course Jim Jordan George Cloony’s documentary on him and the Ohio St wresting sex scandal is about to hit the airwaves so perfect timing for this nonsense to come out.

It’s pretty understandable that they’d say that. Since there’s next to no way to stop proliferation of the material.

This makes perfect sense coming from the Q-Anon Party which thinks that there are vast criminal conspiracies among Democratic “pedophiles” out to drain their children of “adrenochrome.” If you sincerely believe in such a conspiracy, or claim to in order to make the government over into a fascist state, then that is the sort of thing that Jim Jordan would say.

The GOP is tacitly admitting that the FBI previously prioritizing child sex abuse—crimes that can be investigated and prosecuted at the local level—were drawing resources away from investigating domestic terror, crimes that are more effectively investigated at the Federal level.

Are we really supposed to be worried that the FBI has better things to do than conduct those stupid bait-and-switch stings? Or sending CP to random whoevers so they can bust them for having it? I’m willing to bet that those are 99.5% of their child sex abuse cases.

Sorry, but I’m perfectly OK with the FBI doing other things.

We need the FBI to get back on it. How about another playpen scandal 2? That should keep them busy. The FBI is one of the world’s biggest traffickers of cp…hands down! And Jim Jordan? Well, I know you gotta satisfy the QAnon lobby. Maybe you should team up with Marjorie Taylor Green. Better that two nut cases put their heads together and come up with somethin. Light some fire! under the asses of the FBI